The December wind down is upon us, and I’m thrilled to connect with you one final time this year. It looks different in every country, but for me in Uganda it has so far involved playing carol services, singing, acting, and a few too many sweet treats. In this special edition, we’ll reflect on some of the year’s highlights – it has been an immense privilege to meet and connect with so many committed and visionary people! As we look ahead to 2025, we’re excited to shift our focus towards the official launch of INPAG and driving its adoption.
If you appreciate the work this project is doing for the sector, please give us a gift! Demonstrate your support on our website and/or LinkedIn.
• For organisations: Add your name or logo to our ‘Support Us’ page and join a growing community of INPAG champions. Join here.
• For individuals: Add the Supporting INPAG badge to your LinkedIn profile. Follow these quick steps.
Make a difference today by supporting INPAG!
As the year draws to a close, we’re proud to reflect on the incredible progress we’ve achieved with your support.
Cheers to an even stronger, more impactful year ahead!
We’re glad to welcome Alexander Cabrera as the Country Champion for the Philippines. A seasoned leader in accountancy, audit, law, and social initiatives, Alex brings a wealth of experience and a passion for community and sustainability.
His dedication will undoubtedly drive engagement and hopefully adoption too. We’re excited to see the positive impact he’ll make!
Check out Alex’s profile.
We’re deeply grateful for the dedication and expertise of the individuals who have contributed their time to our Advisory and Focus Groups throughout the year. Here are the latest updates from recent meetings:
• 3 December – Technical Advisory Group: Fund accounting and Grant reporting (Supplementary Statements). The meeting agenda and technical papers other resources can be found here.
• 11 December – Focus Group 1 (Delivery Rights): Where grantee organisations have ‘delivery obligations’, do grant making organisations have ‘delivery rights’? Focus Group members shared feedback on this proposed term. The slides from the meeting can be found here.