June 2022
Time zone: UTC
10:30 - 12:30

TAG meeting, 28 June, Online


Agenda in EN | ES | FR | AR.

Agenda items

  1. Section 2 Pervasive principles update – EN | ES | FR | AR
  2. Narrative reporting – EN | ES | FR | AR
  3. Sections 8 and 10: Financial statement presentation – EN | ES | FR | AR
  4. Sections 3 to 7: Financial statement presentation – EN | ES | FR | AR
  5. Section 9 and consolidation – EN | ES | FR | AR

Early drafts of the Guidance and associated materials are being provided to the TAG to inform its development. TAG papers may make reference to these development materials as Annexes. These materials are not currently being shared publicly pending all relevant license agreements being put in place. The intention is to share these drafts when possible.


The minutes are shared in the form of agreed ‘Advice’ (since it is an Advisory Group) and ‘Requests’ from the TAG for information or action.

Advice and Requests: EN


TAG meeting, 4 May, Online

TAG meeting, 29-30 September 2022, London UK