Meeting agenda – EN | ES | FR
Agenda items
1. Structure and content of INPAG: EN | ES | FR
2. Section 2 Concepts and Pervasive Principles – Final Guidance: EN | ES | FR
5. Section 30 Foreign Currency Translation: EN | ES | FR
6. TAG Terms of Reference: EN | ES | FR
7. Section 1 Non-Profit Organisations – Final Guidance: EN | ES | FR
8. Grant Expenses and Final Guidance: EN | ES | FR
9. Section 26 Share based payments and Section 28 Employee benefits Final: EN | ES | FR
10. Sections 11 Financial instruments and 21 Provisions and contingencies Final: EN | ES | FR
11. Section 25 Borrowing Costs and Section 29 Income Taxes – Final: EN | ES | FR
12. Sections 31 Hyperinflation and 32 Events after the end of the reporting period: EN | ES | FR
13. Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements: EN | ES | FR
The minutes in the form of agreed ‘Advice’ and ‘Requests’ are now available (Day 1 and Day 2)
Find below the recording from Day 1
Here are the timestamps for the various agenda items:
Find below the recording from Day 2
Here are the timestamps for the various agenda items: