Agenda items
1. List of apologies: paper | audio
2. Meeting administration: paper | audio
3. Background to the IFR4NPO project: paper | audio
4. PAG terms of reference: paper | audio
5. Project objectives: paper | audio | Question 1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Q5 | Q6 | Q7
6. Developing the guidance: paper| audio Q1 | audio Q2
7. Stakeholder engagement: paper | presentation | audio
8. PAG representation and diversity: paper | audio
9. Approach to consultation paper development: paper | audio
10. Long list of issues: paper | audio part l | audio part ll
11. Services in kind: paper | audio part l | audio part ll | audio part lll
12. Proposed future meeting arrangements: Paper
13. Next steps: paper
The minutes are shared in the form of a ‘Discussion Summary’ (since the PAG does not need to reach a consensus on the advice given) and ‘Requests’ for further information either to or from the PAG
Discussion Summary and Requests
Samantha Musoke talks to Tim Boyes-Watson, Ian Carruthers and Karen Sanderson to review the key takeaways from the 1st meeting, on 5-6 December, of the Practitioner Advisory Group