December 2022
Malaysia Time
11:00 - 12:00

The future of non-profit financial reporting - ASEAN

Event Overview

Professionals who have an interest or financial reporting for non-profit organisations in the ASEAN region and internationally took part in the IFR4NPO Country Awareness meeting.

The event provided participants with the opportunity to:

✅Learn more about the IFR4NPO Project to develop internationally applicable financial reporting guidelines for non-profit organisations.
✅Discuss key questions and issues relevant to international NPO financial reporting.
✅Meet other relevant stakeholders.
✅Discover how to participate in the consultation process in 2022/23 to ensure that the voices and perspectives of stakeholders in n the ASEAN region are reflected.

The resources from the event can be found below

Slide deck


IFR4NPO en Venezuela: el futuro de la información financiera sin fines de lucro

ED1 Description of NPOs / Reporting entity