February 2021
Time zone: E. Australia Time
15:00 - 16:00

Future of international financial reporting: not for profits: Asia-Pacific

Event Overview

Hosted by CPA Australia, an awareness event on an important project to develop and establish international guidance on financial reporting by not-for-profit (NFP) entities.  If you work in the NFP sector within the Asia-Pacific region, you should attend this session to:

Topics include:

  • Learn more about the IFR4NPO Project to develop internationally applicable financial reporting guidelines for not-for-profit organisations
  • Discuss key questions and issues relevant to international NFP financial reporting
  • Discover how to participate in the consultation process in 2021

In addition to hearing from IFR4NPO representatives, attendees will also have the opportunity to hear from the Australian Accounting Standards Board on their current project to develop a NFP financial reporting framework project in Australia.

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand the key elements of the project and consultation process
  • Have the opportunity to ask questions, be polled on key issues relevant to the topic

Who should attend:

Anyone is welcome, but this session will be most relevant for:

  • those working in international and domestic NFPs (Senior Finance Staff, CEOs or board treasurers),
  • donors or philanthropic organisations,
  • external accountants and auditors,
  • regulators, sector peak bodies and standard setters

The future of financial reporting for Non-profits in Colombia and Latin America

Introducing International Financial Reporting for Non-Profit Organisations (IFR4NPO) - ISTR conference