July 2024
11:00 - 12:00

INPAG and Donor reporting – Proposals in ED3

Event Overview

The free online event will be held in English with resources in French and Spanish.

This webinar covers the proposals in relation to donor reporting that will be set out in the International Non-Profit Accounting Guidance Exposure Draft 3 (INPAG). This is relevant because:

  • Many NPOs receive grants for specific purposes and are required to report on the use of funds, but the special formats of each donor report vary from each other.
  • INPAG Practice Guide 1: Supplementary Statements includes a harmonised format for specified activities, reconciled to the main financial statements.
  • The Supplementary statements may be used for specific grants, projects or other types of segmental reporting.
  • This will be a win/win for funders and NPOs in terms of improved assurance and reduced burden.

Learn more about:

  • What does the standard format donor report look like?
  • How are the supplementary statements reconciled to the main financial statements?
  • Is use of the format mandatory or optional?
  • Which donors have committed to allowing or requiring their grantees to use this format?

Who should attend?

Anyone is welcome, but it will be most relevant for:

  • Non-profit organisations – Senior Finance Staff, board treasurers, and other interested staff from finance, grants, compliance, programmes or audit etc
  • Grant-providing organisations (eg donor agencies, philanthropic organisations or INGOs) that assess grantees or set reporting policies
  • Auditors of NPOs,
  • Regulators of NPOs,
  • Accounting bodies and standard setters,
  • Relevant networks of the above,
  • Interested trainers, consultants or academics.

Participants will be able to:

  • Become familiar with the proposals in INPAG ED3
  • Share comments and ask questions
  • Discover how to participate in the consultation process.

In case you have any special needs, please contact us on info@ifr4npo.org and we will do our best to accommodate them.

Register by clicking the link below

Learning approach

The online event will include a pre-recorded video, polls, and question/comment and answer. The pre-recorded video will be available in French and Spanish. Captions can be auto-translated by each participant.

Classification of expenses – Proposals in INPAG ED3

Contabilidad de fondos - Propuestas en INPAG PG3