Donor Statement of Support

Donors are taking INPAG and harmonisation of grant reporting seriously. Check the signatories to this statement of support.








We donors agree with the following high-level goals for the non-profit sector:

Improve the quality and reliability of NPO financial statements & reports

Reduce the burden on NPOs from multiple reporting formats


We believe that the development and adoption of International Non-Profit Accounting Guidance (INPAG), based on existing accounting standards, can progress the achievement of these goals.


We express our intention to review and provide feedback on INPAG Exposure Draft 3, specifically the proposals for harmonised grant / project reporting in INPAG Practice Guide 1 – Supplementary Statements.


Note that this statement of support does not constitute an endorsement of the content of INPAG.  Neither does it imply that signatories will require their grantees to adopt INPAG, or use the donor reporting format in INPAG Practice Guide 1.



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