Donor Reference Group

The Donor Reference Group consists of grantmakers, including bilateral and multilateral agencies as well as foundations and trusts.

Our Members

The DRG incudes representatives from the following organisations:

  • African Development Bank
  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Children’s Investment Fund Foundation
  • Ford Foundation
  • Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (UK)
  • Global Affairs Canada
  • Global Fund
  • Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
  • Oak Foundation
  • Open Society Foundations
  • United States Agency for International Development
  • World Bank

Statement of Support

Members of the Donor Reference Group have signed a Statement of Support.

About the DRG

Donors are a key user group of general purpose financial reports, and often also require additional project based reports. The purpose of the Donor Reference Group (DRG) is to create a forum where the project can listen, learn and understand more about donor needs, and donors can develop a deeper understanding of the basis for financial reporting requirements.  It also creates an opportunity for donors to give input to the guidance development process so that it is best placed to meet their needs.

The Donor Reference Group is chaired by Géraldine Limborg. See the full role description here.

We are keen for the DRG to include bilateral and multilateral donors as well as Foundations and Trusts from all over the world, especially those that give grants internationally. If you would be interested in participating in the Donor Reference Group, we would be glad to hear from you. Email

DRG Reports

Reports that summarise the input from the DRG conversations can be seen in four Languages

Jan & Apr 22: Donors as users of cash and accrual basis information

Oct 21: Donors as users of NPO general purpose financial reports