General Councilor, Réseau Experts-Comptables France Maghreb
Naima acts as General Councilor of REFM , “Réseau Experts-Comptables France Maghreb”, which is the french network of Certified Public Accountants (CPA) native to the Maghreb region working in France.
In 2017, Naima became the first CEO of the Morocco Professional Accounting Organization (PAO), “Ordre des Experts- Comptables du Maroc”, since its 25 years of existence. She contributed to achieving a qualitative leap in corporate communication, improved reliability and capacity strengthening. She has worked with Moroccan NPOs as a volunteer for 8 years and as a CEO, helping to lay foundations, implement internal controls and establish good reporting practice.
After graduating from the first business school in Morocco, Groupe ISCAE, she became the first female president of ISCAE ALUMNI Association. She was the first woman Chief Financial Officer and Chief Investment Officer in the insurance sector in Morocco in 2000.
In 2012, she obtained a certificate in the Program for Leadership Development from Harvard Business School. Naima has developed valuable knowledge in Management Information Systems, delivering integrated reporting, ensuring accurate financial and non-financial information, which she shares with University students in her role as part-time teacher.