Information about expenses supports stewardship and accountability. But analysing expenses in multiple ways for different users creates a burden for NPOs. Should NPO expense analysis have a standard format? If so, should expenses be summarized by nature or by function?
For the latest proposals regarding classification of expenses, check out INPAG Exposure Draft 3, Section 24 Part II, on page 98 of this document.
Initial ideas were set out in the Consultation Paper issued in January 2021, together with explanatory videos. Part 2 Issue 8 of the Consultation Paper set out specific alternative approaches which were presented in a webinar in Aug 2021, before the consultation response period closed in Oct 21. The project’s feedback on the responses to Part 1 were shared in a webinar in Feb 22. During 2022 and 2023, the Technical and Practitioner Advisory Groups (TAG and PAG) have reflected on the responses and given feedback on the development of draft guidance for inclusion in INPAG ED3, released on 28 May 2024.
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