The objective of the GAC-WG is to input to a document that will make the connection between clauses in grant agreements that relate to expectations of grantors (eg obligations, performance requirements, deliverables, targets, best endeavours, rules, conditions, restrictions, virements etc), and the associated accounting treatments as set out in INPAG.
The primary goal of the document is to provide clarity about the types of expectations that do, or do not, result in a financial liability according to the guidance set out in INPAG. We hope it will also help ensure that the meaning and intent of key terms can be consistent between programme staff working in partnership with grantee implementers, legal folk focused on risk and remedy, and accountants/auditors concerned with income recognition.
The terms of reference are here.
The group consists of about 15 members from more than 10 countries, spanning a range of organisations and complementary disciplines.
This is the first meeting of the group.